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Ever Since Ramadan

Aug 07, 2023

Ramadan was back in April. After this fantastic cultural experience of fasting with the sun for a month, I have felt like a hermit, withdrawn from people, with a focus more on the internal. It feels terrific. Like a rest. A reset and honest assessment. I am feeling into what engagements are of priority—released toxic ex-pat acquaintances that were feeling funky.

The engagement with myself is taking the lead and has rippled into my connection with the IHC team. I take responsibility for my quiet space in maintaining weekly connections and teaming up with individuals. 

Tracking numbers and progress is going well, and I am happy with the consistency and the turtle pace of growing in strength and fluidity each month and each year, which serves longevity for me. For example, I average about 50 push-ups a day and 80 sit-ups. Quality and form are a strive satisfied for excellence over quantity; YET, there is an incremental increase when my body is ready. Each week I do around 20 hours of yoga and meditation. 18 Temple motions, 49, sparring 247 at 2 min each. The km's are through the roof. I feel strong, and injury is a rarity. 

Always a work in progress, and at the same time, I feel peace and calm, not stress or anxiety about getting the numbers or keeping up with the "Jones'. There is a flow, although it might look different than yours.